

CONTINUING IN 2023 AND THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE: ALL LIVE ANIMAL SHIPMENTS Will Be Held At The FedEx Hub Nearest To The Animal's Final Destination. THIS IS FOR THE SAFETY OF THE ANIMALS and Until Further Notice.

All the Best for less!

2024 CBB Dumeril's Boas Both Sexes - Representative Photos

ID: 24Dumeril BoaWall This whole group is incredibly sweet and docile! They would make fantastic pets or future breeders! They usually get 4-6 feet long...
24Dumeril BoaWall-1
$500 and Under Boas
from $450.00

2024 VPI TPos IMG Jungle Het. Anerythristic RC Pastel Boa Constrictor - SMOKING!!!

This snake is going to change drastically!!! The VPI gene only get better looking with age. This snake carries the recessive gene for Anerythrism....
Boas IMG Boas
Boa constrictor

2024 VPI TPos Jungle Het. Anerythristic RC Pastel Boa Constrictor

The VPI gene only get better looking with age. This snake carries the recessive gene for Anerythrism. She's from an RC Pastel litter. Eating...
Boa constrictor

2024 VPI TPos Jungle Het. Anerythristic Boa Constrictor

The VPI gene only get better looking with age. This snake carries the recessive gene for Anerythrism. She's from an RC Pastel litter. Eating...
Anery Type 1 Boas Boas
Boa constrictor
$450.00 $350.00

2024 CBB Green Anaconda - Well Started eating Rat Pups

These two litters were born here at NERD on Thanksgiving Day, and two days before Christmas! We love Green Anacondas and they are not...
Anacondas Boas
Green Anaconda
$2,000.00 $1,850.00

CBB Male Green Anaconda - Well Started!

We love Green Anacondas and they are not easy to come by. There is ZERO importation of Greens and all animals are CBB in...
Anacondas Boas
Green Anaconda

CBB Male Green Anaconda - Well Started

We love Green Anacondas and they are not easy to come by. There is ZERO importation of Greens and all animals are CBB in...
Anacondas Boas
Green Anaconda

CBB 24' Female Blue Eyed Colombian Rainbow Boa

Eating frozen/thawed mouse pinks, left in the enclosure overnight. They will need a small hide with moss to serve as a retreat. These two...

CB24' Male Blue Eyed Leucistic Colombian Rainbow Boa

Eating live or frozen/thawed mouse pinks, left in the enclosure overnight. They will need a small hide with moss to serve as a retreat....

Captive Dropped Male Yellow Patternless Amazon Tree Boa

Eats VERY WELL!!!! Defrosted rodents no problem, he wants to eat my fingers too! :) Very hard to photograph as he wants food and...
$500 and Under Boas Tree Boas

Male Candy Cane Amazon Tree Boa - Established Import

A pretty male Candy Cane, eating Adult live mice. He is breedable, I love this color morph. Very pretty male! ID- KMAmaz201M - Hallway...
Boas Tree Boas
Amazon Boa

Male Yellow Patternless Amazong Tree Boa- Established Import

This male is breedable and SUPER pretty!!!! Eats live mice. ID - KMAmazYellowM200 - Hallway
Boas Tree Boas
Amazon Boa

Female Burke TPos Hypo Fire G Stripe Boa Constrictor - STUNNING!

Smaller growing Central American line Hypo TPos(Burke Line) Genetic Stripe (Inheritable F1). She is gorgeous and a Het Leucistic - Fire! Killer genetics and...
Albino Boa Constrictors Boas IMG Boas Jungle Boas
Boa constrictor
$3,500.00 $2,200.00

Breeder Male Amazon Tree Boa - Patternless Yellow

Very clean and super handsome!! Breeder male that was originally an import. Handleable and eats anything. ID - AmazYellM22 - HallWay
Boas Tree Boas

CBB Male Breeder Amazon Tree Boa - Very Pretty Orange!

He's a perfect breeding male. Eats anything and tolerates handling.  Very clean coloration! ID - AmazonM20 - Hallway
$500 and Under Boas Tree Boas

Male Breeder Amazon Tree Boa - Yellow

He's a perfect breeding male. Eats anything and tolerates handling. He is a long term captive and was originally an imported animal. ID -...
$500 and Under Boas Tree Boas

Monster Female Breeder Madagascar Ground Boa - Just Gorgeous!

Once again this makes me sad but she is now available. She is a great breeder and she is BIG! Gorgeous and ready to...
Ground Boa

2022 Female Kahl Albino Lipstick Super Stripe Hypo Jungle Boa Constrictor

She's in shed in these pictures! She's a smoke show! Genetic stripe line with all the extras on her and red sides. Ultra saturated...
Albino Boa Constrictors Boas Jungle Boas SALE!
Boa constrictor
Boas for sale from NERD - We have a quality selection of sonoran boas, sunglow boas, jungle boas, redtail and longtail boas, rainbow boas, sand boas, Columbian boas and other boas and gorgeous boa morphs. Captive bred boas, as with most captive bred snakes, tend to be more docile and easier to care for. Boas are medium to large sized snakes when they are adults so it's important to buy CBB so you can enjoy your boa and better care for it. Boas come in a wide variety of amazing colors and also pattern morphs.  NERD boa's come with a Live Arrival Guarantee.